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Our News
Safe Ecological Corridors have been Created in Armenia
The project was implemented in 26 communities of 3 regions (Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik). Thanks to small grants many socio-economic problems have been solved in many communities, such as building roads, installing water pipes and outdoor lighting, etc.
Long-term, 7-10-year environmental agreements were signed with 5 communities of Ararat, Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions to implement environmental activities in 10 rural settlements. These villages have been provided with support for the development of long-term land use plans and concrete measures to use natural resources in an environmentally sustainable way. The program created safe corridors for the movement of animals, resulting in significantly increased numbers of Leopards, Bezoar Goats, and Brown Bears.
These environmental agreements allow implementing nature conservation while at the same time assisting communities in implementing socio-economic development measures By using these funds, communities are also able to participate in state subsidy programs and attract additional funding from other sources. The following activities have been implemented with co-funding from eco-corridor promotion project:
• Provision of agricultural, construction and transportation machinery in Areni and Sisian,
• Providing solar water heaters to each household in Artavan,
• Introduction of irrigation system in Zangakatan for high value fruit production
• Construction of animal shelter and shepherd’s house in Hors.

© WWF Armenia
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© WWF Armenia
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© WWF Armenia
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