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Botanical Garden will Have a New Environmental Education Center

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Anahit Ghukasyan, director of the Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan, National Academy of Sciences of RA, Karen Manvelyan, the director of WWF Armenia and Tobias Wittmann, the team leader of GIZ’s ECOserve program on March 5 at the Botanical Garden. The Memorandum states that a biodiversity information and eco-education center will be established soon in the Garden, equipped with modern solutions.
The organisations emphasize the role of the staff capacity of the Institute and Botanical Garden in enhancement of environmental education and awareness raising, and the importance to use the existing scientific and educational potential for the present and next generations. The support to the environmental education and awareness raising is one of the key directions of WWF Armenia and GIZ.
The aim of the Center is to contribute to awareness raising on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Armenia and their contribution to human wellbeing.
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MoU Signing
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