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WWF Armenia visited schools in borderline villages

Within the framework of the “Leopard Conservation in Armenia” project, WWF Armenia (World Wide Fund for Nature) in cooperation with Zangezur Biosphere Complex have organized visits to several schools in Syunik province of Armenia.

The visits were aimed at raising awareness of schoolchildren living in borderline communities about nature conservation in their native area. As future decision-makers, children learned about the protected areas adjoining their community lands, threatened animals inhabiting their local surroundings, major threats to these animals and their habitats as well as about conservation works undertaken by WWF Armenia, state environmental bodies, and about relevant environmental issues.

As stated by WWF’s wildlife expert Alexander Malkhasyan, such visits are highly crucial in establishing a bond between youth and nature: “As future decision-makers, the young generation is responsible for the protection and conservation of nature. Therefore, apprising youth is the critical factor in preserving nature in Armenia”.

During the sessions, WWF Armenia has also presented gifts to schoolchildren together with information materials regarding the Leopard and its conservation in Armenia.

Previously, WWF Armenia has also donated several technical educational equipment and small infrastructure units (children’s playground, solar power station, etc.) to schools and kindergartens of target borderline communities in Syunik.

© WWF Armenia
WWF Armenia visited schools in borderline villages.